Posts in Church Mobilization
AUGUST 2023 GO! Ambassador of the Month | Kenya

AUGUST 2023 GO! Ambassador of the Month in Kenya

Join us in celebrating Jessie Nyaga, of Embu, as our GO! Ambassador of the month of August in Kenya. Jessie’s story is an inspirational testimony of resilience, determination, and obedience. We are blessed to have Jessie as part of our GO! Ambassador Network in Kenya, and look forward to seeing how God might use her in the future…

Jessie is one of our 2,638 GO! Ambassadors in Africa & Asia.

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Church Mobilization 2.0

Church Mobilization 2.0

To date we have co-hosted 20 Great Commandment Workshops in Asia, Kenya, and Zambia in our effort to mobilize the local church to serve orphan children in their communities. A total of 3,699 ministry leaders have attended one of these workshops.

Results have mostly exceeded expectations. We have been encouraged by the attendees, and then again as we follow-up with GO! Ambassadors to monitor their progress. The question that I have been asking since earlier this year, is what does Church Mobilization 2.0 look like?

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2023 Bridge of Hope -> Mission Accomplished

Church Mobilization Initiative takes a big step this month.

We have commissioned 1,164 GO! Ambassadors this month in Kenya and Zambia which should impact 1,000’s of orphan children in 2023. In fact, this effort could impact for than 10,000 children by the end of the year.

Pictured above is the team at Bible Way Ministries in Mombasa, Kenya, that facilitated a Great Commandment Workshop earlier this month.

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The Nkirote Family

We launched our Church Mobilization Initiative in February 2022 in Kenya, and the intent of these workshops is to deploy the local church to serve orphan children, but we have provided aid in some instances when the situation is dire.

We believe that the Nkirote family is just such a case. The Nkirote family’s story follows…

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Reach 10/40 Mission

God is moving in Asia.

We were overwhelmed with the willingness of the people to serve, or love, their neighbors. In a land of contrast with millions of people of different faiths live side-by-side, many continue to be in search of the truth. The Church is now mobilizing to demonstrate the love of Jesus by serving others.

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Meru Care Centres Launch

UMC Churches celebrated with their official launch of their Care Centres in the area surrounding Meru, Kenya.

Their leadership hosted a Great Commandment Workshop in June 2022, and now have launched twenty-six (26) Care Centres in Kenya to care for the impoverished with an emphasis on orphan children.

Based on our Church Mobilization Initiative, via our Great Commandment Workshops (GCW) events, we continue to witness the Church in Kenya moving out in their communities to serve orphan children. 5,093 children were served in November by 443 GO! Ambassadors that were commissioned at 9 GCW events in 2022.

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United Methodist Care Centres for Orphans

UMC Churches receive clarion call of the Great Commandment Workshop that was held in Meru County in June, and now have twenty-six (26) care centers in Kenya, and the are in the process of opening more as God continues to lead them.

Based on our Church Mobilization Initiative, via our Great Commandment Workshops (GCW) events, we continue to witness the local church moving out in their communities to serve orphan children.

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Kelvil Minyoso Egadwa's Story

Kelvil Minyoso Egadwa, 48-year-old mother and grandmother. She is a born-again Christian and a minister of the word of God at Kwangware PAG Church. She has been a church leader for more than five years, specifically serving as the head of women's ministry at the church.

She shares her experience of attending a Great Commandment Workshops (GCW) event, and the results of what she received there.

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