UMC Church on the Move!
UMC Church on the Move!
September 28, 2023
by GO! Kenya Team
On a call with Kenyan ministry leaders last month, we were informed that the United Methodist Church (UMC) was going to launch an effort to raise funds for local orphan children.
On September 13th, the Kiorimba UMC Mission Care Centre completed their grassroots fundraising to support orphan children’s school fees. They were able to raise 38,150 Kenya Schillings ($258 US$) for their efforts.
The vision for their care centres are to reach and identify the orphan children, caregivers, the widows/widowers, and the vulnerable in their community. Their thought is that a call to serve God by loving each other, especially the needy and disadvantaged in the society.
Chicken 🐔 soup and chapati for sale at Kiorimba UMC fundraiser.
The care centers meet twice a month where they fellowship, encourage, and share meals and other gifts according to each centre’s ability. They are also networking with other Pastors who belong to other denominations to spread the good news of love to many. Currently, UMC has twenty-six (26) care centres in various communities, where they go about the work of caring for the poor.
This was a result of several UMC leaders attending a Great Commandment Workshop, as part of our Church Mobilization Initiative, in Meru, Kenya, on June 25, 2022. 99 ministry leaders accepted the call that day to serve orphan children in their communities, and soon after this group began to take action to the benefit of orphan children.
This is a beautiful picture from the scriptures of how we are to serve one another in love.
To support continued roll-out of our Church Mobilization Initiative you may select the Donate button on the top-right of this screen or go to Global Orphan Relief and simply enter the amount that you wish to contribute and select Church Mobilization | Great Commandment Workshop under ‘Fund’.
Global Orphan Relief (GO) has been serving orphaned children since 2005. We have accomplished this work to date through local partners in each country that provides oversight and distribution of care through three care initiatives; Home-Based Care, Education, and Nutrition, In 2022, we launched our Church Mobilization Initiative where we are mobiizing the local church to care for orphan children. Last month, we impacted 16,094 children in Ethiopia, Kenya, Pakistan, South Sudan, and Zambia within these four initiatives.
Beyond the financial commitment of the workshops, this effort is to be indigenous, self-propagating, and self-supporting. Our objective is to engage local churches to expand our GO! network, mobilize the church body to serve orphaned children, and to advance the Kingdom through demonstrating the Gospel to others. Through these workshops we are:
Church Mobilization is our newest initiative launched in February 2022. We are currently working with local area churches to co-host Great Commandment Workshops where we bring together multiple subject matter experts to discuss the why and how to serve the poor generally, and orphan children specifically. We track the impact of children served through this effort to justify continued investment.
We have co-hosted and facilitated twenty workshops in Asia, Kenya, and Zambia that have hosted a total of 3,788 ministry leaders. At the conclusion of these workshops, we have been honored to commission 2,200 GO! Ambassadors. GO! Ambassadors are those who have received the call to serve orphan children in their communities during these one-day workshops. In August, this GO! Ambassador Network served 13,558 orphan children.
You may send support or other correspondence to Global Orphan Relief, 16352 Prairie Farm Circle, Parker, CO 80134 or you may give on this website at the upper righthand corner under ‘Donate’.
Movement of FAITH | Voice of HOPE | Act of LOVE
Global Orphan Relief (GO!) is a Christian relief agency serving vulnerable children and is a recognized U.S. public charity, tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3). All donations to GO!, or any charitable contribution processed through Network For Good Donor Advised Fund, are tax deductible to the extent of the law. If you prefer, you may provide gifts of support by sending via mail to the address above.