Frances & Frank Mwamba

Update Zambia  |  Zambian Scholarship Program  |  Southern Province, Zambia


Frances Mwamba is in grade 1, and Frank Mwamba will attend grade 4.

These boys are single orphans the mother works in other people’s fields weeding and doing any side job she can find to support her oldest boy in grade 6.  She has supported Frances until this year, but there was no way she could also get the youngest into school. 

She has bought their uniforms and GO! is assisting her by paying the school fees for Frances and Frank.

These boys are so precious and are very excited for the chance to go to school. 



HISTORY:  In 2014 we began to discuss alternatives to serving orphans beyond bringing them to an orphanage.  As it were, we discovered that in the Southern Province of Zambia where we already served that there was a large number of orphaned children in and out of school because the extended families could not provide the resources.

We started this program in Q4 2014 working with 2 schools to impact 60-children.  In 2017 we estimate to have 134 orphaned children enrolled in the program attending 7 schools.

OBJECTIVE:  To assist orphaned children with school fees, and other materials, needed to continue their education. 

FUNDING SOURCE:  To fund the Zambian Scholarship Program we have relied entirely on the GO! general fund to date.

BUDGET:  Based on current expenditure and expected number of children in 2017 of 164 children enrolled in the ZSP by the end of the year, our planned budget for this program in 2017 is $10,000.

To help an orphaned child go to school just go here to provide your support.  With your help a child may experience home for the very first time:

Movement of FAITH   |   Voice of HOPE   |   Act of LOVE

 Global Orphan Relief is a Christian relief agency serving Orphans in need and a recognized U.S. public charity, tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3).  All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.

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