Special Needs Children from House of Faith

Update Zambia  |  House of Faith Orphanage  |  Child Update


From Linda Jones:  Victor’s appointment was also Thursday afternoon and he was given an Xray to see what was going on with his breathing.  From the Xray she decided to remove his adenoids next week in Lusaka.

We will need to have him there first thing Monday morning for blood work, then speech therapy in the afternoon, and surgery first thing Wednesday morning.  If all goes well he should be released Thursday by lunchtime.  While he is under she will also use a scope to check out his throat to see what is going on.  She feels she can help his breathing but did not feel he was a CP child and asked if we could see a neurologist Friday morning before returning to Kalomo at the University Teaching Hospital. 


Because of Mackmore ‘s extra appointment and the neurologist being free to see us, I said of course it’s wonderful it can be done on the same trip.  Well 4 hours later and lots of questions it was decided he is not a CP child.  PTL!  that is such wonderful news… 

They believe his severe malnutrition and maybe a sickness for his first two years of life is why he is this way; developmentally slow is what they are calling his condition. They encouraged us to stop all the Physical Therapy and do more speech therapy.  He was given a hearing test and he can hear, (though he does not speak) but needs to learn how to talk and walk.  Keep our little Victor in your prayers for surgery next week and a complete healing in his body.


Global Orphan Relief serves 296 children in Zambia, and has served in Zambia since 2006.  With our partners Noah Ministries, we oversee the House of Faith Orphanage, the House of Hope Orphanage, the Kalomo Home, an orphan scholarship program, and Village Hope, an orphan feeding program, in Bulyambebe.  We serve 3 special needs children at the House of Faith Orphanage.

You can support the children in Zambia by going to https://globalorphanrelief.org/meet-the-kids/ .

Movement of FAITH               |             Voice of HOPE             |               Act of LOVE

 Global Orphan Relief is a Christian relief agency serving Orphans in need and a recognized U.S. public charity, tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3).  All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.

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