Widow Koonjah’s Story: A Cry for Hope
Punjab, Pakistan | Bethel Church of Pakistan
by Pakistan Orphan Care Team
Widow Koonjah’s Story: A Cry for Hope
In the heart of Khanpur, Sindh, lives Widow Koonjah, a mother struggling to raise her children after the tragic loss of her husband, who died of a heart attack four years ago. She belongs to the Marvari Tribe, a community that has long lived in remote areas, far from the reach of modern cities.
For Koonjah and her six children, life is a daily battle for survival. Their tribe does not build permanent houses, and their fragile huts offer no protection from nature’s harshest elements. This past year, when the winter season set in with full force, this family struggleD with the freezing temperatures that they are ill-equipped to endure.
Koonjah and her family are among the many new believers who have embraced Christianity despite the hardships they face. Their faith sustains them, but their needs remain urgent. Without access to food, warm clothing, or proper shelter, they are vulnerable to the unforgiving weather and extreme poverty.
Koonjah’s Testimony of Faith
"Praise be to the Lord who is the Great Provider. He provides me with monthly support for my children. I have found the love of God through this service, and I know that God is my pleader. He gives us abundantly through His people, and this is a gift from Him, showing His eternal love for mankind. In Christ, Shalom to all."
How You Can Help
We urge you to consider sponsoring Widow Koonjah and families like hers monthly. Your support can provide food, shelter, and warmth to those in desperate need. Through your generosity, you can be a beacon of hope for these new believers, showing them the love and compassion of Christ in their time of need.
Please keep Koonjah and her family in your prayers. Let us stand together to bring comfort and relief to those who have no one else to turn to.
Please note that Pastoral care is provided to these families as our partners demonstrate the Gospel through your kind support.
We thank our local partner in Punjab, Pakistan, for their efforts to provide for the needs of Orphans & Widows in their community. We have served with this team since 2011. As we continue this effort it is important for us to secure the monthly support needed for this current level of aid so we can grow this partnership by serving additional families. Many more widow-led household are in the need of aid.
Support is needed for these families for this project to continue. Due to our resource availability, we are now limited to supporting this single family moving forward. With new levels of support, we can quickly increase the number of children served.
Global Orphan Relief (GO!) has been serving orphaned children since 2005, and as a result of this effort, widows, families, and entire communities are transformed through our Home-based Care initiative. The care provided creates a ripple effect through the entire community as we demonstrate God’s love for His people.
You may send support or other correspondence to Global Orphan Relief, 16352 Prairie Farm Cir, Parker, CO 80134 or you may give also give electronically at Orphans & Widows | Pakistan for this specific effort to support widow-led households or you may give on this website at the upper righthand corner under ‘Donate’ by choosing Home-based Care under the Fund designation.
Movement of FAITH | Voice of HOPE | Act of LOVE
Global Orphan Relief is a Christian relief agency serving Orphans in need and a recognized U.S. public charity, tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3). All donations are tax-deductible to the extent of the law.