Home-Based Care

From our start we focused on caring for orphaned children living within an orphanage environment.  We did not really care for what we saw in the field; dorm living, cafeteria style meals, and children being relocated a great distance from their place of origin.  We wanted something much different….

In 2007 we began developing a property near Silembe, Zambia, that is now House of Faith. We followed this in 2010 by beginning a development in Sinazongwe, Zambia, which eventually became the House of Hope. These orphanages allow children to live in a home with a house-mom and they do life with the other children in the home as a family.

As we provide children a home, with a family at the House of Faith, House of Hope, and our Kalomo home, we began supporting children within widow-led households. In these instances when the child can stay with extended family, or with their mother, we assist with some aspect of their care that the family cannot provide themselves.

In either instant, this is a beautiful picture of where orphaned children are blessed with a family and see first- hand the demonstration of God’s love for them.

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House of Faith Orphanage (HOFO) | This development is maturing since its opening in 2008.  There is now a fence that surrounds the campus which gives it more of a community feel.  The fence was put into the place primarily to keep the livestock from coming through our place.  Also new since our last visit is a solar pump.  No more hand pump required to fill-up the big tank so even technology is finding its way to Silembe.

The homes, the gardens, the school, and the chickens all seem to be flourishing, and most importantly the precious children that call the House of Faith home are healthy, happy, and full of hope for the future.  

Breakthrough follows presence which follows worship.  You will find all three of these things at HOFO.  The worship with the children at the House of Faith is just this side of heaven. Come and see! It is incredible to be with the children during their time of praise and worship. His presence follows worship and HOFO is holy ground because of His presence in this place. 

This brings us to breakthrough. HOFO is a place of refuge for these vulnerable children, but this place has also provided breakthrough for the children, for visitors, and for the people of Zambia that have invested a portion of their lives for the betterment of their children.  

Come experience breakthrough with us by blessing these children at HOFO.  

House of Hope Orphanage (HOHO) | We received our first child at HOHO in 2013, and our first home filled-up 2018. The twelve children served at this project now reside in two homes.


What a beautiful place that has been developed and funded by so many of you for the children at HOHO. Our homes are well constructed with local materials and the local people.

Our guest house is perched high on the hill overlooking Lake Kariba on one side, and HOHO down the hill to the other.  This is where our teams stay when serving at the orphanage and may do so for decades to come.

The children are also blessed by these facilities the guest house provides classroom areas that are used by them to keep up on their studies and offers a place that is a little cooler in hot season in Sinazongwe.

The community has been so welcoming in Sinazongwe, as our ministry partner Noah Ministries started this effort from just dirt. While we may not served here as long as we have in Silembe, HOHO no less a special place where children have been blessed beyond what would have been possible before we arrived.

Children that were in need are now thriving in a place that they now call home.


Kalomo Home | This is the place in Kalomo, Zambia, that we have established to allow our older children to attend secondary school in town versus the bush, which is a much better opportunity for them to learn. This is a place where what was our little children can begin to enter adulthood as they advance in their education.   

It is awesome to be a part of an effort that is providing so much opportunity to these children that would otherwise be left behind. They are all thankful for the support that you have provided and are taking their education very seriously. The children in the Kalomo Home are healthy and happy; both physically and spiritually.

Orphans & Widows KENYA | We began this effort in 2023 by supporting a widow-led household with 6 children. This family is located in Meru County. You may learn more about the Nkirote family here…

In 2024, plans include to support 10 widow-led households with 40 children in different parts of Kenya. These plans include working with the head-of-household to provide a means of sustainability for the family.

One of the Widow-led Househols Served in Punjab, Pakistan

Orphans & Widows PAKISTAN | Based on recent negative economic impacts in Pakistan, families are struggling to meet the needs for food, education, and housing. These challenges are magnified for families with widows as the head-of-household. Day labor opportunities have decreased and many other economic opportunities are diminished. Many of these women work to clean the homes of others, and with social distancing limitation many of these jobs have ceased to exist.

In June 2020, we began to work with our partner in Pakistan to identify households headed by a widow that were in need of aid. We are serving multiple widow-led households under this ministry project and plan to grow this group to fourteen households in 2024.

Home-Based Care is our most expensive means for caring for a child, so the care for up to 198 children during 2025 requires a large investment. To support these families to provide a child a home is expected to require $68,978 during the year.

you can simply provide a gift for this initiative and we will apply to the area of greatest need.


The children being served within our Home-Based Care Initiative are located in Kenya, Pakistan, and the Southern Province of Zambia.

Movement of FAITH | Voice of HOPE | Act of LOVE