Fortune Learners Centre | Felix Kaikai

Child Impact Report  |  Fortune Learners Centre

Felix Kaikai |  June 2021  |  Grade 6

What needs of the child are being addressed through our partnership?  -Felix needed school fees ,food, and educational materials. He was also out of school and needed to interact with children of his own age. He was also in the need of remedial classes to improve his performance.

How are these needs being met today?  - Currently Felix has his school fees are supported by his GO! scholarship which has enable him to attend school at Fortune Learners Centre. This was only something he dreamed of prior to the GO! partnership at the school. He is also served breakfast and lunch every school day. Felix is enjoying his remedial classes every evening, on Saturdays, and also over the holidays. This included the long break that was experienced because of the Codivd-19 pandemic. His Aunt is also able to make some small savings to provide him with other essential educational materials like books and uniforms now that his other needs are being met.

How might you describe the child…  -Felix likes Kiswahili and English, and he enjoys running as he hopes one day to be an athlete in the long races that Kenyans are known for. David is his favorite bible character because of his bravery in killing Goliath. He aspires to be a doctor in future so that he can treat the sick in his community and in Kenya as a whole.

What's changed for the child because of the FLC/GO! partnership?  - Felix has improved in most aspects, to include; handwriting, reading, literacy, and math. He is also able to interact which was a problem before coming to FLC. Spiritually speaking, Felix has grown as he is able to preach among his mates and he agrees that if not for the GO! scholarship he would be in the street. His Aunt would not have been able to pay for his education and food -as well as that of his younger brother.

What are the biggest current or future challenges for this child?  -Felix is also worried about his next phase of education which is secondary school that is not provided at Fortune. As it stands now, his caregivers are not in a position to pay for his secondary education. For now he will focus on his studies based on the current opportunity that has been given to him.

What outcomes will be desired and how will these be measured prior to the child departing our initiative?  Improved health and being free from malnutrition will be important to be maintained. We will also be watching for improvement in class work results by the end of his primary education. Lastly, spiritual growth and discipleship will be important for Felix moving forward.

Felix shared, “I am so thankful for the support provided to me so I can attend school and receive food. God bless you and thank you.!"

Felix with his little brother Sammy.

Felix with his little brother Sammy.


As of June 2021, 467 students attend school in DR Congo, Kenya, and Zambia, supported by our Scholarship Initiative. 96 sponsors at $30 per month will allow us to continue providing this critical element of care for these students in 2021. Education last a lifetime and is critically important for breaking the cycle of poverty.

You may send support or other correspondence to Global Orphan Relief, 16352 Prairie Farm Cir, Parker, CO 80134 or you may give also give electronically at 2021 Scholarship Fund.   

Movement of FAITH | Voice of HOPE | Act of LOVE

Scott Nordstrom