GO! | Planning
August 1, 2019 – Do you have a plan? Maybe you have a retirement plan, a five-year plan for your business or career, or maybe a family plan. Some of you might even have a giving plan. We all do have some plans of some sort and it can be as simple as a plan for today or this week. Admittedly, I do enjoy planning; maybe even sometimes to a fault.
Leading this grassroots movement called Global Orphan Relief does require a plan -some formal and some not so much. In 4thquarter each year our board discusses how we are going to serve in the field the following year and we consider the costs. We build a budget and discern the needs before us to determine the best course of action for the new year. I confess, though I have a detailed handle on our costs, I don’t go into every year attempting to match up the costs of our planned missions to the funds provided by our donors. Many in ministry do just this, but it seems so counterintuitive when considering all that our King has to offer. Of course, our costs are part of our calculus, some of our missions are seasonal, the gifts we receive are irregular, and He owns everything so all are variables to consider. You can see how this complex math problem intersects the resources of the Kingdom and can create much uncertainty as to how we serve His children moving forward.
This brings us to today as we consider our results for January – June. First the good news; we actually served 50% more children in 2019 when compared to 2018 for the same time period -averaging an additional 342 children each month this year. When we dig into the details of this increase, where we see our growth is with an increased number of children being fed in South Sudan, and more children attending school in Zambia. Providing these services to these children is at the very minimum life-altering, and in some cases life-sustaining.
These children have been so blessed by so many of you; with either new funding partners in 2019 or partners giving more this year than last. Our growth in funding has not kept pace in terms of the increase in children served, but our funding was up by 38.5% when compared to last year. While we have experienced a financial deficit in 2019 we have minimized this by experiencing efficiencies in the services we provide and focusing on lower-costs higher-impact field missions.
As you can see below, every mission category we track is in deficit. This is not according to the budget plan as this is what we actually spent, which is usually less than what we project. So yes, we cut corners, but we don’t have to with only a few more sponsors needed for some of our mission countries as noted below:
Additional information and Giving Pages for the programs outlined above:
Admin & Fundraising Capacity 1,440
DR Congo Dream School
Kenya Orphans Around the World
Zambia Scholarships
South Sudan Food for South Sudan
India Great Commandment Workshop
One other concerning factor that can’t be measured above is the quality of care that we provide. After deploying 24 teams abroad, and leading 18 of these teams myself, I am so surprised by the willingness of others to provide sub-standard care or something less than what we might do for our own children. We are extremely intentional with our partners in this regard, but as we deal with limited resources and increasing need, this is a growing concern for our ministry. I am not willing to provide something less to the ‘least of these’. These same children, the orphans, have been deprived of so much for most of their lives. Now, am not suggesting that we need to somehow serve these children to some inflated ‘American’ standard, but we don’t want to cut corners either. Specifically, I am increasingly concerned about the portions we are providing to the children in South Sudan as we now feed 851 children.
What is so disconcerting for me is that we can plan our way out of this. We are not in control, and I know that I am definitely not charge of how many children we do or don’t serve. There is nothing I can do or special words I might craft that will cause you to give today. I have already broken so many rules with this communication so according to Marketing 101 this appeal will garner no support. Thankfully, this is not how this ministry is funded. Our funding is not based my prowess with sales and marketing, but on our collective confidence in the King that causes us to sacrifice based on an overwhelming love.
As we move through the remainder of 2019, we need additional support to continue serving the almost 1,300 children that we provide for today. We are not providing extravagant provision, but what we are doing is blessing these children with basic provisions; such as, Nutrition, Scholarships, and when needed, Home-based Care.
What I would ask of you is the following:
Pray for the Movement and the children we serve;
Consider a one-time gift, monthly giving, or an increase in your support; and
Share the need and the incredible work that we are accomplishing with Friends & Family.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
Blessings, Scott
You may send support or other correspondence to Global Orphan Relief, 16352 Prairie Farm Cir, Parker, CO 80134 or you may give also give electronically at Support the Global Orphan Relief Children.
Movement of FAITH | Voice of HOPE | Act of LOVE
Global Orphan Relief is a Christian relief agency serving Orphans in need and a recognized U.S. public charity, tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3). All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.
Scott Nordstrom is the President & Founder of Global Orphan Relief. He has spoken internationally as an advocate for the orphaned child. Scott has been instrumental in deploying 24 teams to the mission field deploying 159 volunteers in the effort to serve these children and to share the Gospel. These teams have served in DR Congo, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, South Sudan, Uganda, and Zambia, and have delivered nearly 7 tons of supplies for the care of orphaned children.