Sharon Siamtwe Update

Update Zambia | House of Faith Orphanage | Silembe, Zambia

Sharon and her mom traveled into Kalomo today to shop for her school uniform, shoes, backpack, school supplies and a rain-coat..  We found everything needed but her shoes.  They were out of her size.  I will look while in Livingstone. 

We also decided she will not move into Kalomo with the other kids until she passes grade 9 at RR Secondary School.  That is when she will not be able to go to any higher grade in the village near her home.  She said to Thank Uncle Scott! She had all her new things in the large back pack ready for her trip back home. 



NEED:  Zambia is a country of nearly 14 million people with an orphan population of approximately 1.4 million.  Many of these children remain with extended family and most of these extended families have biological children as well.  Ultimately, when resources don’t allow for food, clothing, and education as needed, these orphan children are last in line -not having the same rights as the other children.

Through November 2016 we have provided funding of $823,004 that has been invested in capital infrastructure, program development, and for the care of the children.  Today we serve 300 children in Zambia through various means; home-based care, foster care, education scholarships, and feeding programs.

Sharan came to live at House of Faith in January 2010 when she was 8-years old.  She has since transitioned to our Foster Care program whereas we provide support to her family where she lives.

The House of Faith Orphanage opened to receive our first child in March 2008 and today we serve 51 children from this project. 


Movement of FAITH   |   Voice of HOPE   |   Act of LOVE

 Global Orphan Relief is a Christian relief agency serving Orphans in need and a recognized U.S. public charity, tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3).  All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.

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