Abigael’s New Home

Update Kenya  |  Orphans’ Home of Grace  |  Kakamega, Kenya

Young Abigael was today officially brought home and received by the kids of Home of Grace.  From the streets of Kakamega to an actual home with a family seemed a great miracle for this baby.

 Immediately after she was place in front the kids her peace settled and she started interacting with all.  A businesswoman who was very instrumental in rescuing the child and handed her over to children’s department was also there to witness the child as she happily joined our children.

Valarie is one of the kids that really took charge, warmed water and bathed Abigael.  Lilian worked on her nails and Mary, our Matron, was busy at the mall buying clothes, Mattress, shoes, blankets, baby powder and foodstuff.

I have actually spent the entire day working hard to make sure that a special children’s bed is fixed and ready to go for her. The pictures tell it all!  We are glad for the support given to the young Abigael by the GO! team.  Without your help it would been hard to achieve this.  May God bless you abundantly.

 Pastor Patrice, Kenya


NEED:  In Kenya, it is estimated that there are approximately 3.6 million children aged (less than 18 years of age) who have been orphaned or who are vulnerable of a total population of 46 million.  Of this 3.6 million orphans, as many as 46% are orphaned as a result of HIV/AIDS.  There are many other socio-economic statistics that indicate that the family structure is severely challenged in the African country; such as, 25% of the population living on less than a $1 a day, nearly 15% of households in Kenya are headed by an orphan sibling, and 700 children are orphaned every day with 1/3 of these due to HIV/AIDS. 

This is a very challenging scenario for any people, and the situation puts these orphaned children’s safety in jeopardy daily.  Specifically, without an advocate or a support systems of any kind, these children are at risk for exploitation.   


Movement of FAITH   |   Voice of HOPE   |   Act of LOVE

 Global Orphan Relief is a Christian relief agency serving Orphans in need and a recognized U.S. public charity, tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3).  All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.


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