Royal Update

Update Zambia  |  Royal at House of Faith  |  Silembe, Zambia


From Linda Jones in Zambia:  Keep Royal in your prayers he is struggling to wear his braces more than 20 minutes at a time, but maybe sometimes once a day can get him to wear them up to 40 minutes. 

I am still trying to find out information from Mama Daisy on how many times a day he wears them.  She told me that he cries so she removes them.  We have started a daily book for her to write in to log the time that Royal has his braces on.  We decided to not go to Physical Therapy this week because they had a visiting team from the USA.  When we have visited in the past when a team is visiting, we have waited a long time and not much has ever happened. 

We have decided to work with Royal’s therapist Frances, he knows where Royal has come from and where we want him to be going with his development; but because of the team we will have to visit the first week in our New Year. 

Royal is wearing a fancy pair of leggings to protect his legs and ankles from the braces and his new high top shoes we got him in Lusaka the capital.  


NEED:  Zambia is a country of nearly 14 million people with an orphan population of approximately 1.4 million.  Many of these children remain with extended family and most of these extended families have biological children as well.  Ultimately, when resources don’t allow for food, clothing, and education as needed, these orphan children are last in line -not having the same rights as the other children.


Through October 2016 we have provided funding of $818,658 that has been invested in capital infrastructure, program development, and for the care of the children.  Today we serve 300 children in Zambia through various means; home-based care, foster care, education scholarships, and feeding programs. 


Movement of FAITH   |   Voice of HOPE   |   Act of LOVE

 Global Orphan Relief is a Christian relief agency serving Orphans in need and a recognized U.S. public charity, tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3).  All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.

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