Capacity 1440


Capacity 1440 is our campaign to build the movement’s capacity to provide some level of service for 1,440 orphans monthly.  This is a tall order, but we have come so far from our beginnings and now serve 831 orphans in 5 countries (November 2016).

1,440 orphans.  That is so many children, but it is within our grasp.  When we set out two years ago to rescue more children -we served only 90.  There are so many of these precious children out there that need our help.  There is no time to waste!  Literally, there are lives at risk.

Since our humble beginnings, we have done all that we can to muster resources for the aid of orphans, and push these resources to the field.  While this remains an objective of the movement, we cannot continue without staff indefinitely, and some investment in our communication and donor development efforts is required.

Our fundraising and administrative budget for 2017 is $60,338 which does provide for some administrative support, our donor development platform, increased communication with our donors, and funds to support our annual Gala in April.  Our total fundraising and administrative budget for the year will remain less than 18% of the total funds raised based on our plan.

Most importantly, we do plan on serving more orphaned children in 2017, and should serve 1,000 of these vulnerable children by year’s end.

Please consider being a Capacity 1440 Cornerstone today at as this investment will be foundational for our movement.  All we need are 40 committed individuals to invest $125 monthly to increase our capacity to serve more orphans for 2017 and beyond.

Movement of FAITH   |   Voice of HOPE   |   Act of LOVE

Global Orphan Relief is a Christian relief agency serving Orphans in need and a recognized U.S. public charity, tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3).  All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law

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