House of Hope Orphanage — Sinazongwe, Zambia
House of Hope orphanage (HOHO) is our 2nd orphan care project in Zambia. As with the House of Faith, HOHO work is managed on the ground by Noah Ministries. HOHO is located in Sinazongwe, Zambia, and is based on similar model deployed at the House of Faith in Silembe. Each home will have a loving house mother and up to 12 children that will make up a GO! family. In addition, cooking shelters will be built as needed in which the caregivers will prepare all the meals.
The geography is somewhat different than at Silembe - more rocky and warmer. Some of this is due to the drop in elevation by nearly 2000 feet. We started receiving children in June 2013 and will build-out additional homes as they are needed.
This area is sometimes referred to as “the valley’ as Lake Kariba is nearby and part of the Zambezi River system. Before HOHO, children in need in this area were relocated nearly 5 hours away to Livingstone making visits by their extended family very difficult. The location of this facility allows for children to live much closer to relatives and keeps them near familiar surroundings.