2010 Pakistani orphans

A building had been constructed for an orphanage, but the local ministry needed help with resources to provide for the children on an ongoing basis. Pastor Saleem Raza of the Bethel Church of Pakistan came forward and presented this opportunity to our board. After a vetting process with local leadership, an orphan’s home in Habibabad opened January 2011 where we served 25 children.


2010 House of Hope

We returned to Zambia with our sixth team to again serve at the House of Faith Orphanage. The six volunteers that were part of this team were the first to stay in the new dorms at the Hall of Faith. We also took a day to venture down to the Valley where our vision for the House of Hope Orphanage was taking shape.


2010 Upgrades for Silembe Community School

New doors, windows, tables and benches are outfitted at the school with help from our partners Noah Ministries, Christian Hope Foundation, Smith Partners, & The Mwebaza Foundation


2010 Children Salem Centre

Board Member Andy Stewart deploys a team of 16 volunteers to complete a building project that was begun earlier in the year. 


2010 House of Faith

“Catch-Up School” begins so the children can catch-up in their studies in addition to their attendance at the local community school. The children would spend a half-day not at school with their new teacher Castard. 

Since our inception in 2005 we deploy 99 volunteers with 12 teams sent to serve internationally.  These teams deliver an estimated 9,650 lbs. of supplies for the children in DR Congo, Mexico, Uganda, and Zambia. 

Results: We finished the year serving 73 children, with 883 total months of care.

Scott Nordstrom