Follow Me
Follow Me
by Scott Nordstrom
August 15, 2023
This is a particularly challenging time of the year for me.
As I attempt to take advantage of a summer that is closer to the end than the beginning, work to fill-in the funding gaps for our 17 mission projects that exists within our four initiatives where children are impacted in the six countries where we now serve, and finally, lead our team toward hosting our 8th annual gala to be held this year on September 26th. Oh yes, and I cannot forget my consulting work that I do to support my own household.
What is extremely important for me, especially during this time of the year, is to be connected to our King. Whether that is through prayer and worship, reading the scripture, or reading through the many things that I have noted or written over the years. I thought I would share something with you today that is challenging in many ways, but also encouraging. This is taken from GO InterNational and BibleRef with some of my own commentary added.
Looking at the man, Jesus felt genuine love for him. 'There is still one thing you haven't done,' he told him. 'Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.' -Mark 10.21
Some of the translations say, “sell everything” and this appears to me to be a bold command -at least for this individual. Most likely for this man, his wealth had become a stumbling-block and Jesus knew this.
To follow Jesus means to lay everything else down, including earthly possessions. If not for any other reason, we should choose to give to the poor out of a desire to follow him and to be his disciples. Next time you have the chance to give something tangible away to someone in need, remember that all of your true treasures are in heaven.
So, we are called to give everything to him -or at least surrender everything. For some, this will require that they sell everything and give it to the poor.
The scribes at the time limited the amount someone could give to one-fifth of their property for fear a generous heart would find them in poverty and thus reliant on the generosity of others. Later, the early church will renounce personal possessions for the good of others (Acts 4:32–37). But it's key to understand that Jesus' words are personalized for the young man. Jesus is not saying that to receive eternal life we must all give away our possessions. Jesus is showing it is impossible to earn eternal life and why we need God's grace (Mark 10:27).
When the rich young man asks Jesus what he can do to inherit eternal life, Jesus lists most of the Ten Commandments that deal with interacting with other people. To personalize the issue, instead of telling the man he must not covet, which his wealth may have protected him from, Jesus tells him not to "defraud" or cheat at business (Mark 10:19). Now, Jesus gets even more personal and backtracks to the second commandment: "You shall have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3). Unlike many of the religious leaders, the young man seems to understand the spirit of the Mosaic law as it applies to justice for other people. That doesn't mean he has given God His due. There is a difference between respecting God and making Him first in our lives.
While giving to the poor or providing for someone’s needs are important work of the Kingdom, I believe that Jesus is speaking to this young man more about what is keeping him from inheriting eternal life.
Lastly, Jesus does call each of us to follow him. He calls each one of us, and to some, larger responsibilities, but each of us do share this one thing in common. We are called to follow him.
Are youi following Jesus today? I do know one thing for sure, he does want to take you to places that you cannot even imagine.
Global Orphan Relief (GO) has been serving orphaned children since 2005. We have accomplished this work through local partners in each country that provides oversight and distribution of care. As of June, we served 5,860 orphan children in Ethiopia, Kenya, Pakistan, South Sudan, and Zambia within our Home-based Care, Scholarship, Nutrition, and Church Mobilization Initiatives.
Scott with Minister Isaiah & Bishop Garang
Scott Nordstrom who leads GO! today and has done so since we launched in 2005. Scott has served with GO! for 18-years. Scott has been instrumental in deploying 174 volunteers on 29 teams to the mission field, and has personally served in DR Congo, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, South Sudan, and Zambia. Scott is a published author and speaks in the United States, as well as, internationally regarding child welfare and matters of faith, hope, and love.
You may send support or other correspondence to Global Orphan Relief, 16352 Prairie Farm Cir, Parker, CO 80134 or you may also give electronically to support orphan children at Global Orphan Relief.
Movement of FAITH | Voice of HOPE | Act of LOVE