Meet Rebecca Abeny

Rebecca Abeny of Adoor Orphanage Center Grateful To GO! Funding impact!!

By Thiik-awet


Meet Rebecca Abeny, a 14-year-old schoolgirl at Adoor Orphanage Center in South Sudan, whose life has been greatly transformed by Go! funding.

Rebecca is in grade seven at the Adoor Centre for vulnerable children in South Sudan, where she is boldly sending a “thank you message” to her donors who have contributed to her being here today.

Despite feminism factors and shying cultural attitudes of schoolgirls in lower classes in South Sudan, Rebecca courageously testifies of being transformed by the GO! feeding school program in her village.

As South Sudan is at its peak with threatening food insecurity, with about 60% of the population — namely the elderly and children — at risk of starvation for facing food shortages, Rebecca would have been one of the vulnerable had it not been for the helping hand from GO!. Now that the country is at a hunger gap season, the accessibility to daily meals in most households, especially the low-income families or those lacking any income at all, is worse than ever.

The GO! Nutritional Feeding Initiative at Village schools has a huge impact on the beneficiaries (enrolled children/orphaned children) and is seen as the only hope to alleviate unpredictable hunger crises for the vulnerable children — especially the orphans or those lacking parental cares.

Rebecca, who lost her mother some years back, is grateful to have benefited from this school feeding program and wishes to say thank you to GO! for standing firm and supporting her school nutritional feeding program.

In addition to feeding support, she is grateful for the generosity of donors for providing a storeroom and kitchen in her school. Adoor, Lueth-wek, and Beliek have similar buildings (one storeroom and a kitchen), which were built with a support from GO! funding. Rebecca remarks that she had never dreamt of such buildings existing in her villages.

She is grateful and privileged to have such a wonderful opportunity with Christ Mission to the World with Support from Global Orphan Relief (GO!), whose school funding program has impacted the lives of other thousands of children in South Sudan.

Like many other beneficiaries, she says the feeding under school meals program has given her a huge life impact and that she is totally different from how she was before joining her GO! sponsored school. Rebecca says that she is thanking God for hearing the prayers from village orphans who are now benefiting from these centers across South Sudan.

Over 3,000 pupils are benefiting from this nutritional feeding program in three different schools in South Sudan under the sponsorship of GO!, where Rebecca is among the beneficiaries.


In the first eight months of this year we have provided an estimated 377,500 meals impacting 3,162 children. The scale of this initiative has grown by 2.2x when compared to 2020 when we served an estimated 135,180 meals to 1,552 vulnerable children. We have served an estimated 1.4 million meals to vulnerable children in South Sudan since 2016 along side our partner Christ Mission to the World (CMW).

In cooperation with multiple partners (Kids for the Kingdom & Christ Mission to the World), we have invested in these school sites with additional infrastructure over the last 6-months by investing $126,200 during this time for water, kitchens, storerooms, and latrines. We are thankful for these partners that make this work possible. We have taken this a step further in (July 2021 when Kids for the Kingdom agreed to support the vulnerable children with food, while we will focus on the orphaned children that are in need. Ultimately, more children will receive meals, with larger portions, and the Kingdom of God will continue to advance in South Sudan!

You may send support or other correspondence to Global Orphan Relief, 16352 Prairie Farm Cir, Parker, CO 80134 or you may give also give electronically to support the feeding of vulnerable children at 2021 South Sudan Nutrition.   

Movement of FAITH   |   Voice of HOPE   |   Act of LOVE

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