Adoor Village School | Student Philiph Piol

School Children benefiting from Nutrition Initiative at Adoor Education Center 

By Thiik-awet


In collaborative efforts between GO! and Christ Mission to the World, the school children at Adoor Primary School, South Sudan, believe that their lives have changed and that they will always remain faithful and committed to achieve more under their Nutrition Initiative sponsorship (feeding program).

Children at Adoor Primary School in South Sudan.

Children at Adoor Primary School in South Sudan.

As majority are now able to read and write for having stayed in the same center for the past five years which has improved their lives.


Isaiah Deng Manut, as referenced in a blog post last month, is a 16 year old boy who says he is happy because he is now able to read and write. When he joined this project 4 years ago he was not able to speak any other any language apart from Dinka (dialect/mother tongue).

He is now in primary four with abilities to read and write with ease in Dinka and English. ''My name is Isaiah Deng Manut in primary 4 at Adoor Primary school in South Sudan. Now I can read and Write. Thank you and God bless you'“, as he reads his note in front of other fellow school Children at Adoor.

He says, he never thought of being able to read and write one day but seems his dream comes true. He says he was a cattle herder before he fled home to join free school in order to get educated. Isaiah wants to become a doctor.

The opportunity to receive food and an education means the world to Isaiah because this provides hope for a future where none existed before.


Whereas Philiph Piol is a 9-year old boy, he is also classmates to Isaiah in primary 4 (4 grade/4th grade) who believes that he has improved through education, gospel preaching, and feeding programe under GO!.

 '' My name is Philiph in primary 4 at Adoor South Sudan, now I can read and write and this has changed my life compared to those days. Thank you Global Orphan Relief for help and God bless you'', he compliments.

Philiph wants to be a pastor in order to give similar services to the needy community. By investing in children like Philiph we are changing the future for not only him, but for others as they are impacted when he demonstrates faith, hope, and love in his community.


In South Sudan, education is facing enormous challenges with the lack of qualified teachers, and little funding to effectively operate local schools. Most schools lack basic requirements like school buildings, toilets, food, and clean drinking water. Even with sub-standard education available to some, attendance is not guaranteed for these children.

Plans for 2021 is to provide nutrition to more vulnerable children in the Aweil area, increasing the number of children served by 54% over 2020. In addition, we will begin to further develop these school sites with infrastructure in cooperation with multiple partners.

Today we currently feed 2,613 vulnerable children in South Sudan, and with our partner Christ Mission to the World, we will serve an estimated 52,260 meals at three village schools in the Aweil area this month.

You may send support or other correspondence to Global Orphan Relief, 16352 Prairie Farm Cir, Parker, CO 80134 or you may give also give electronically to support the feeding of vulnerable children at 2021 South Sudan Nutrition.   

Movement of FAITH   |   Voice of HOPE   |   Act of LOVE

Scott Nordstrom