Lighthouse Orphanage

15 Orphaned children accommodated at Lighthouse Church gets a cook

 By Thiik-awet


The management of Christ Mission to the World (CMW) in partnership with Global Orphan Relief (GO!) have hired a caretaker and cook to manage the hygiene, feeding and health status of 15 abandoned kids who are currently accommodated by CMW with full aid from GO!. We just recently received another 7 children since this writing to bring the total to 22.

As the number of street children and children without parental care increases in the Northern Bahr el Ghazal state of South Sudan due to poverty and increased starvation rate the Lighthouse Church has received 15 of these children since of August of last year.

The Lighthouse Orphanage family in Aweil, South Sudan.

The Lighthouse Orphanage family in Aweil, South Sudan.

 Some of these children were found loitering on the streets and others were brought to the church with unknown identities.  GO! responded by providing for their basic needs for food, accommodations, bedding, and clothing in partnership with CMW in South Sudan.

Chan Mou and Ngor Mou, five-month old twins received this month.

Chan Mou and Ngor Mou, five-month old twins received this month.

Mary Abak Anei, the caretaker for these children, is an active church member in the Lighthouse Church. She was tasked by the orphanage committee as caretaker and the orphans’ cook.  She says it has been wonderful to facilitate the orphans’ affairs and says that it has been her pleasure to give her service to the needy people as required in the Bible.  Abak and another elderly mother have been watchful of all affairs to make sure that required services are delivered to the children.

Mrs. Abak is thankful to GO! for their dedication to the people of South Sudan and Aweil in particular.


Global Orphan Relief has provided limited support for these children since August, however, their needs surpass funding available. Support for the 29 children within our home-based care initiative in South Sudan will exceed $2,000 for the month of March (6 of these children are supported through foster care in Aweil) with no ongoing funding for their support. There are approximately fifty more children currently living on the streets of Aweil.

Today we also currently feed 2,613 vulnerable children in South Sudan. You may send support or other correspondence to Global Orphan Relief, 16352 Prairie Farm Cir, Parker, CO 80134 or you may give electronically to support the home-based care at 2021 Home-based Care or our nutrition initiative to feed vulnerable children at 2021 Nutrition Initiative.

Movement of FAITH | Voice of HOPE | Act of LOVE

Scott Nordstrom