Lueth-wek School Receives New Facilities

Lueth-wek School Management Committee calls on Host Community to take ownership of the site

By Thiik-awet,


Following the completion of the newly constructed two-storerooms and kitchen at Lueth-wek orphanage school in South Sudan, the committee headed by the Parents Teachers Association and local church members have asserted efforts of maintaining the newly established building at their school. As referred to as “Dream comes true” by the committee and the church members, a two-storeroom building was built with a support from Kids for the Kingdom (KFK) in partnership with Global Orphan Relief (GO!) and Christ Mission to the World (CMW).  This was completed in response to the school host lacking storage facilities for their foodstuffs, which partners give them monthly and also helps as a shelter for heavy rains, winds, sun and theft in the area.

Temporary kitchen on far left that typically has a life-span of three years replaced with a building that will provide kitchen and storeroom with stronger security for storing food supplies.

Temporary kitchen on far left that typically has a life-span of three years replaced with a building that will provide kitchen and storeroom with stronger security for storing food supplies.

Michael Garang, PTA chair applauded the support of GO! and CMW for bringing the two-storerooms and a kitchen to their school. He says the community has wholeheartedly acknowledged the humility, generosity and hospitality from American people who have always been there for the People of South Sudan.

“Despite these continuous donations of rations for our school meals for these children, we were extremely excited to see the impossible came to possible and that’s by constructing for us this two-room building. We didn’t know these would happen so quick like this but with God’s grace, everything was simple.” Michael explains.

He calls on the host community to make sure they own the premise and start adding more efforts to its protection and additional required add-ons to make it a better school.  The school now has an iron sheet roofed kitchen where the food for school children is prepared daily which was the first gift from the donor to help raise their hopes and sustainability of their site.

Children at Lueth-wek Village School, where we feed 904 vulnerable children, line-up to receive lunch.

Children at Lueth-wek Village School, where we feed 904 vulnerable children, line-up to receive lunch.

While talking on behalf of the Church members, Maria Abuk whose grandson has been benefiting from this school says the support they have been getting so far for their children is beyond description and will never be forgotten.

“If this school was not existing here, some of our children especially for those whose affordability is limited couldn’t have seen 2021; they would have starved but now thank God and the donors  whose vision of supporting South Sudan is always uncheckable.” Abuk expresses.

Like Adoor and Beliek, Lueth-wek is one of the 3 schools getting nutrition support for at least 2,613 school children who do not have enough to eat in their homes, but are willing to change their future through education and the Word of God. The initial support has been from Christ Mission to the World, but was limited to school materials like exercises, pens, and the Word of God before GO! joined in partnership to support these schools with food.


In South Sudan, education is facing enormous challenges with the lack of qualified teachers, little funding to run the school, with most of schools lacking the basics like school buildings, toilets, food, and clean drinking water.

Global Relief Organization (GO!) is partnering with Christ Mission to the World to aid over 2,600 vulnerable children (over 40% of these children are orphaned) in South Sudan with school meals and other basic needs. This partnership began in 2016 and have invested $251,500 in this effort thus far to provide an estimated 762,920 meals.

You may send support or other correspondence to Global Orphan Relief, 16352 Prairie Farm Cir, Parker, CO 80134 or you may give also give electronically to support the feeding of over 2,600 vulnerable children at 2021 South Sudan Nutrition.   

Movement of FAITH   |   Voice of HOPE   |   Act of LOVE

 Global Orphan Relief is a Christian relief agency serving vulnerable children in need and is a recognized U.S. public charity, tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3).  All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.

Scott Nordstrom