2012 Zambia Adventure
It is hard to believe that it has been a month since our team as returned from Zambia. There was so much accomplished and so many stories to tell -it is difficult to know where to begin…..
The team departed on March 8th for this great adventure:
Heart of the King Mission Team with local Zambian crew; (top row left to right) Dave, Clever, Tom, Ed, Golden, Mark, Abel, Nathan, Gift, Mike, (bottom row left to right) Scott, Dennis, Quinton, Nevis, Noah, and David.
From Left to right; Mike Dee, Nathan Dee, Noah Nordstrom, Ed Zamarripa, Tom Herrick, Scott Nordstrom, Mark Van Iwaarden, Dennis Goodwin, David Goodwin, and Dave McCombs
Preparation for our adventure began a year ago as men began to commit to this mission. It was truly amazing how God put this group together and blessed us with our planning, fundraising, and the work accomplished.
Our main project was to fund and begin building the 6th home at the House of Faith Orphanage (HOFO). This Orphanage was first envisioned in January 2007 as Mike Dee and I (Scott Nordstrom) visited the Silembe with US missionaries based in Zambia -Mike and Linda Jones. We received our first child at HOFO in March 2008. 6th Orphan Home started March 2012:
The house building included digging sand, gathering water from the garden well, moving both the sand and the water, mixing mortar, distributing the mortar to the various wall going up, and laying the bricks. There were some of the finer details that I wasn’t involved with, but I can’t possible forget moving the bricks. We quickly figured out how to move the bricks.
I can’t tell you how many hundreds of bricks that were thrown, but entire brick piles were moved and all without major injury.
The team also had the opportunity to spend time with the children living at HOFO. The kids are beautiful and are just like kids at home. Most of the kids enjoyed interacting with the team.
More to come later on our adventure, but each of us was richly blessed.
Peace, Scott N.