Rev. Garang at the Beliek feeding centre with two orphans

The two boys I am standing with in the picture are Daniel Deng and Michael Garang. They are orphans in the Beliek Feeding Centre. They are aged 12 years and have been benefitting from the feeding program in Beliek since 2015. They live with their guardians in a place that is about two hours walk from the feeding centre. Their guardians are unable to feed them and therefore they walk to the feeding centre five days in a week (Monday – Friday) with a hope of getting a meal.

They are grateful for the feeding program and pray that it would continue in order to keep them in school, attend bible classes and also to keep them alive. They are saying they would not be alive now if the feeding program was not available. As a result of the feeding program they are now able to read and write and their health have improved. The feeding program has also helped them from being street children and begging for food in the streets.

The Beliek Feeding Centre and Adoor Feeding Centres have 150 orphans each. The feeding program is giving hope to these orphans, saving their lives and giving them a future. The three years between 2015 and 2018 have been starvation years in Aweil Area of South Sudan which claimed hundreds of lives and has forced many people to flee from their homes in search of food in Northern Sudan. Because of the civil war which started in 2013 and economic crisis that followed, many people lost their lives and millions were forced to leave the country for the neighbouring countries for refuge. Last year, many crops were destroyed by heavy rains and flooding and so the need for food assistance to affected population is high and needs intervention. Without these interventions many lives would be lost and more people would be forced to flee the area. The feeding program in Adoor and Beliek Villages is one such intervention that is targeting 300 orphaned children.


Abraham Lual and Mark Deng, Orphans in the feeding centre in Adoor

The two orphans in the picture above are also thankful to all the donors that have been supporting the feeding program and it is their prayer that they will continue to support the feeding of the orphans in order to save their lives and others like them. Abraham and Lual have been at the Adoor Feeding centre since 2015 and have been attending bible classes at the centre during the feeding days that runs for fives day every week from Monday to Friday.

As of February 21, 2019, we have over $1,300 remaining in matching funds for this program meaning that today your support will have the double the impact.  DONATE NOW and helps sustain the lives of these precious children in South Sudan!

Movement of FAITH | Voice of HOPE | Act of LOVE

Global Orphan Relief is a Christian relief agency serving Orphans in need and a recognized U.S. public charity, tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3). All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.

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