HOHO Community Centre Update

Update Zambia  |  House of Hope Orphanage (HOHO)  |  Sinazongwe, Zambia


Via communication from Linda Jones located in Zambia:  We tried to get to House of Hope to check in on the building -HOHO Community Centre on Thursday, but the road was blocked.  Seems a couple of passes in the mountains had given up and temporary bridges need to be installed. Our last visit tons of coal had been placed in the areas to try and hold until things could be done.

There was an early morning rain on Thursday and a big piece of equipment needed another big piece of equipment to help it get through the mud.  We had to come all the way back home.  .We heard it was clear Friday afternoon so we planned to head back.  We made it Saturday morning and this is what we found….. 


The HOHO Community Centre is coming along nicely.  Two rooms are finished with walls and floors plastered and poured, but they still needceilings.  Two bathrooms wall and floors are completed.  One half of the large room is roofed and the third bedroom is still just brick walls.

A ways to go by July, but we think we’ll be ready to host visitors in the new Community Centre for GO!’s Journey of Faith team. 



NEED:  Zambia is a country of nearly 14 million people with an orphan population of approximately 1.4 million.  Many of these children remain with extended family and most of these extended families have biological children as well.  Ultimately, when resources don’t allow for food, clothing, and education as needed, these orphan children are last in line -not having the same rights as the other children.  Approximately 10% of the population, or 1.4 million, are orphaned children, and 10% of these children are considered AIDS Orphans.

Through 2016 we have provided funding of $834,669 that has been invested in capital infrastructure, program development, and for the care for the children.  Today we are caring for orphaned children in Zambia via orphanage-based care, foster care, scholarships, and through a feeding program.

You can sponsor an orphaned child at $25, 50, 75, or 100 per month just CLICK HERE.  We will then assign you a child and send you the details.  Please use the notes sections to note you are sponsoring a child and include any preferences you may have.

You can provide support for our scholarship program just CLICK HERE.  For $27 you support one of these children with their education through the end of the year.

You can provide support for our feeding program just CLICK HERE.



HISTORY:  This project, House of Hope Orphanage (HOHO) began development in 2010 with the first children moving to the site on June 12, 2013; Tecra Mazuba, Linety Mazuba, and Angela Mazuba.  We were delayed at this site by Zesco (Zambian power company) for approximately 12-months, and then again by 12-months due to search for qualified housemom.

The 2nd home at HOHO was finished in 2015 and currently hosts 12-children in the 1st home.  With the addition of the 2nd home, we now have the capacity for 24 children.

HOHO is in Sinazongwe which is a fishing community located on Lake Kariba.  As of this writing, Lake Kariba is far below its normal levels due to draught which is also affecting the community in a negative way though ample rain fall this season may bring levels closer to normal. 


ACHEIVEMENTS:  The House of Hope project took us much longer in terms of receiving our first child than did HOFO for a myriad of reasons.  Due to the soils on the site construction was a bit more tedious, we waited many months for the power company to serve the property, and the search for our first housemom took approximately 12-months.

The 12 children at HOHO are now a family.  They eat, sing, worship, and attend school together.  Upon a visit, you would never know that this in an orphanage.  These children are awesome and blessed to be supported by our movement.  They are all advancing in school, working in the garden, and helping with their chores around the property.  We are now preparing to open the 2nd home and we are projected to receive our first child in 2017.


 OBJECTIVE:  We provide a place of comfort and safety for orphans that have no other options until such time they can be reunited with their extended family.  In addition, we have a commitment to support each orphaned child in our program, whether they are living on campus or with their families, to assist them with school fees if they are progressing in school.

FUNDING SOURCE:  To fund HOFO we rely on a mixture of sources to include child sponsorships, team visits, and the GO! general fund.  To date, our projects and programs in Zambia are the funded to a higher percentage by donors that earmark their support for this effort.  We have raised $676,173 in funding to serve the orphans of Zambia.

BUDGET:  The optimum level of service that we’d like to provide for the children located at HOHO is $100 per month.  The costs breaks-out as follows:

Food & Nutrition            $25 per month

Care Supplies                  $25 per month

Care Givers & Clothing $25 per month

Medical Care, Educa-    $25 per month

       tion, Transport         

Based on current expenditure and expected number of children in 2017 living at HOHO, our goal and need for a fully funded budget is $12,090.

 CAPITAL:  We have plans to finish the Community Center at HOHO by end of June 2017.  We estimate that completion will cost an additional $9,319.  In addition, we will plan on purchasing furniture for the 2nd home that will cost $3,000.

With the plan to deploy a GO! Team in 2017, we do plan on $12,500 for capital though this is not included in our budget. 


ACCOUNTABILITY / OVERSIGHT:  We receive monthly reports from our partners in Zambia that include line-item expenses.  In addition, receipts and back-up are kept in Zambia.  We also receive updates on various aspects of the project as needed.

Since 2006, we have deployed 13 teams to Zambia and regularly assess personally how the work is progressing.

Movement of FAITH   |   Voice of HOPE   |   Act of LOVE

 Global Orphan Relief is a Christian relief agency serving Orphans in need and a recognized U.S. public charity, tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3).  All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.


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