Brian Moona – Sponsor Needed


Update Zambia  |  House of Faith  |  Silembe, Zambia

Brian Moono was born in 2003 and is now 13 years old.  He is a double orphan and came to House of Faith on April 30, 2008, with an Uncle who could not help Brian.  Brian is having to repeat grade 7 this year, but is promising to work harder.  He has many challenges with his health as he is HIV positive.  He helps with our animals and loves football (soccer).

This is one of the children that I can speak for personally (from Scott).  In 2009 I remember a dancing Brian (video is on our Facebook page), and in 2010 Brian fell asleep on my lap during worship.  What a great kid!  Things have so improved for him over the years.  When he came to us he was 5 years of age, but looked like an old man; he was tired.  Battling his illness, poverty, and no doubt missing the influence and love of his parents.

Brian has now lived most his life at House of Faith Orphanage, and has a smile that lights up the world.  Brian needs the support of a child sponsor; both to meet his physical needs and to be an encourager for his life.  Brian does require a level of special care due to his physical condition so please consider supporting him.  To help Brian go to: and in the notes section reference ‘Brian’ as the recipient of your giving.    


NEED:  Zambia is a country of nearly 14 million people with an orphan population of approximately 1.4 million.  Many of these children remain with extended family and most of these extended families have biological children as well.  Ultimately, when resources don’t allow for food, clothing, and education as needed, these orphan children are last in line -not having the same rights as the other children.

Through December 2016 we have provided funding of $829,500 that has been invested in capital infrastructure, program development, and for the care of the children.  Today we serve 374 children in Zambia through various means; home-based care, foster care, education scholarships, and feeding programs. 

Movement of FAITH   |   Voice of HOPE   |   Act of LOVE

 Global Orphan Relief is a Christian relief agency serving Orphans in need and a recognized U.S. public charity, tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3).  All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.

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