Orphans Home of Grace | Kakamega, Kenya

Greetings from Orphans Home of Grace, Kakamega, Kenya. We are so very thankful that you have joined us as partners with all God is doing in Home of Grace.


Home of Grace began in 1999 and was established with seven children.  We have been totally dependent on God for His provision and He has been faithful through the years.

Our founder Miss Carmel Lammon, who is now 80 years of age, has been doing her best by funding the organization with her pension.  As you can imagine, her age factor and financial shortage have become concerns and that is where Global Orphan Relief (GO!) has stepped in. 

Your partnership with us has allowed three boys and one girl to be sponsored for school along with help for school fees, shoes and socks.  In addition, GO! has provided financial support for our staff of 7.  You have been God’s hands in helping us feel like God see’s us and provides for us.

We would be so thankful for you to pray with us for these challenges that we are facing.  As a court battle for land, which has been over our heads since 2004, comes to a close, please pray that it will be finally settled and we can move on without any more hindrance to our mission.  As we move forward that God would bring forth the support that is needed to continue on with what He has called us to do.

Again, we are so very blessed by your partnership with us in loving and caring for kids who have no others to protect them.   Thank you!

Pastor Patrice Owuor


We currently support 4 children with scholarships for their high school education and support the caretakers at Orphans Home of Grace who care for 36 orphans in Kakamega, Kenya.  In 2016 we have committed $8,600 for these two initiatives to serve the orphans.  Today, this support comes from our General Fund, but we can use any amount that you might provide to sustain this program beyond 2016 for these children of Kakamega.  Blessings, Scott