2012 Democratic Republic of Congo

Shortly after our visit to DRC in 2009, Sheri Jones conducted an assessment to establish the number of orphans in the area of Shitura and Toyota, DRC, near Likasi.  What she found out was that there were 100’s of orphans and what was needed most was assistance with getting these children into school.  In cooperation with our partners Noah Ministries, we began to support 170 children with our Dream School initiative.  If the need exist we will grow this program to serve more orphans with the blessing to attend school.


2012 House of Faith Orphanage

The last of the 6 campus homes is finished in 2012 by team sent in March.  This now gives us a total capacity for 72 children. 

Results: We finished the year serving 78 children, with 911 total months of care.

Scott Nordstrom