Adoor Nutrition Support Continues During Near-Famine Conditions

Adoor Nutrition Support Continues During Near-Famine Conditions

By Scott Nordstrom


We have been working with Christ Mission to the World to feed orphan children at the Adoor Primary School since 2016.

Today, South Sudan is experiencing near-famine conditions with limited local supply of food and increasing prices in the marketplace. Since 2016, costs of food commodities worldwide have increased by 50%. Just this year, food costs are up 23-25% primarily driven by the war in Ukraine.

“The result is severe hunger for over 60 percent of South Sudan's population. For infants the absence of food can lead to deadly malnutrition quickly, unless help arrives in time. But right now aid is being scaled back because of lack of funding,” according to Newsweek

Global humanitarian aid provided by organizations like the World Food Program are not keeping pace with the need based on lower funding from government donors and higher costs. Many in the geopolitical space are referring to the situation at “a perfect storm”.

As I discussed the situation with Bishop Garang earlier this week, he only reinforced the trying situation on the ground in South Sudan. The stress of what is referred to as the “lean season” makes things much more difficult on the ground. As we exchanged ideas as to how we might meet the needs of the children, I was reminded that we can only accomplish this work within the limits of our resources. There is so much more I wish we could do…

“The children are crying because there is no food at home,” shared Bishop Garang earlier this week.

We are honored to work with Bishop Garang to at least provide some level of relief for orphan children by providing meals to what is now 1,363 orphan children at three village schools in South Sudan. Scenes from Adoor Primary School follows:

I have written in the past that matters of the Kingdom are urgent. I believe that this is true more than ever as many children struggle to find food. Like the Good Samaritan of the scriptures, we cannot turn a blind eye to the plight of orphan children, especially in places of great need like South Sudan. These children need to see a demonstration of the love of Jesus now!

Global Orphan Relief (GO!) in collaboration with Christ Mission to the World (CMW) establishes feeding centres at village schools to provide meals to orphan children and have inspired an education campaign promoting vulnerable children to attend school.


We have served in South Sudan since 2016 and have provided an estimated 1.5 million meals impacting more than 3,200 children in South Sudan. The scale of this initiative has grown by over 7 times since our launch in 2016, and this growth is driven by the near-famine conditions and other socio-economic challenges in this country.

In cooperation with two partners, Kids for the Kingdom & Christ Mission to the World, there has been $130,000 invested in these three school sites since October 2020. This investment provides for clean water, kitchens, storerooms, and latrines, all which allows for cost-effective distribution of food aid in these communities.

Scott Nordstrom leads GO! today and was a co-founder when we launched in 2005. Scott has served with GO! for 16-years. Scott has been instrumental in deploying 163 volunteers on 26 teams to the mission field, and has personally served in DR Congo, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, South Sudan, and Zambia. Scott is a published author and has also spoke in the United States, as well as, internationally regarding child welfare and matters of faith, hope, and love.

Global Orphan Relief (GO) has been serving orphaned children since 2005. We have accomplished this work through local in-country partners that provide oversight and distribution of care.

You may send support or other correspondence to Global Orphan Relief, 16352 Prairie Farm Cir, Parker, CO 80134 or you may give also give electronically at 2022 South Sudan Nutrition or you may give on this website at the upper righthand corner under ‘Donate and choosing Nutrition under the Fund designation.

Movement of FAITH   |   Voice of HOPE   |   Act of LOVE

 Global Orphan Relief is a Christian relief agency serving Orphans in need and a recognized U.S. public charity, tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3).  All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.

Scott Nordstrom