Life Central School Appreciation

Life Central School Appreciation

by Eva Akoth, MD

On behalf of Life Central School, we wish to express our deep appreciation for the feeding program made possible by Global Orphan Relief for our Term Three 2022.

Most of the days we had githeri and this has strengthened our children and even improved their ability to perform. 

We closed yesterday Friday 25th and had a special meal with a packet of milk for our children. This has never happened before in the history of schoo,l and we thank God. I have never seen children so jovial -dancing to the tune of music.

Some parents have expressed willingness to bring back their little ones next term and we hope to educate as many in the village as we can.   

We are appealing to other donors and there is one who has promised to consider helping us soon. Otherwise we are still reaching out to the community with letter delivery hoping to reach 50 who can support our efforts. 

May the good Lord continually bless GO! as you serve God's children and pray that we shall continue to partner together. May God richly bless Scott and entire fraternity. 

 Kind regards, Eva Akoth, MD / For: Life Central Academy 

Life Central Academy is located in Gamba Village, Kenya. They have 20 students after the student body decreasing due to escalating hunger. Guardians were pursued in vain to allow their children to attend school, but they could not afford their daily meals with some pupils walking from distant lands to reach school. The school has deployed their caregiver and health officer to visit these homes inviting them back to learn.

These children are served within our Nutrition Initiative that fed 1,725 children last month an estimated 34,500 meals in Ethiopia, Kenya, and South Sudan.

Global Orphan Relief (GO) has been serving orphaned children since 2005. We have accomplished this work through local in-country partners that provide oversight and distribution of care.

You may send support or other correspondence to Global Orphan Relief, 16352 Prairie Farm Cir, Parker, CO 80134 or you may give also give electronically at GO! Nutrition Initiative or you may give on this website at the upper righthand corner under ‘Donate and choosing Nutrition under the Fund designation.

Movement of FAITH   |   Voice of HOPE   |   Act of LOVE

 Global Orphan Relief is a Christian relief agency serving Orphans in need and a recognized U.S. public charity, tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3).  All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.