A Place of Hope Orphanage | home-based Care initiative | Kenya
A Place of Hope Orphanage Family.
What: A Place of Hope Orphanage is a home that cares for fourteen orphan children who have no support from their extended families.
Where: This home is located in Lucky Summer Estate -Nairobi, Kenya. The home is rented, and these children have no permanent facilities.
When: We started supporting this home in October 2021.
How: We are blessed to work with Arising Christian Ministries (ACM) who facilitates the hands-on care for these children.
In the coming years we plan to work with ACM to establish a permanent home for these children as part of a ministry development or building.
You may send support for this Mission Project to Global Orphan Relief, 16352 Prairie Farm Circle, Parker, CO 80134 or you may give also give electronically at Home-Based Care Initiative or give on this website at the upper righthand corner under ‘Donate’ and select Home-Based Care under the Fund designation.
We were connected with Pastor Benson Musyimi of Arising Christian Ministries in 2021 through a mutual ministry contact here in the U.S.
Arising Christian Ministries started in February of 2005 with the leadership of Pastor Benson Musyimi as its general overseer and founder. The ministry has been instrumental in reaching the lost with the saving Word of Jesus Christ. They believe in reaching into their community with good news that includes both spiritual and physical support to ease burdens.
ACM has been an instrumental partner to provision care to orphan children in Lucky Summer Estates and beyond in Kenya. Pastor Benson has worked with us across all of our initiatives, and was also a key partner in testing Great Commandment Workshop concept in Kenya. Pastor Benson was part of the team that launched our Church Mobilization effort in Mombasa, Kenya.
A Place of Hope Orphanage
Entrance to A Place of Hope Orphanage.
A place of Hope Orphanage is ACM’s official rescue center based in Luckysummer Estate, Nairobi.
The ministry and the project are operating on rented premises and in separate places. Their plan is to purchase their own land within Luckysummer to build a ministry center which will serve both as orphanage home and church.
A Place of Hope Orphanage Family receiving GO! support in 2021.
The children that call A Place of Hope Orphanage home are orphan children that have no other place to go.
These children have limited or no extended family networks in which to depend on. Many would not be in school if not for ACM’s care of the poor in their community.
Our partnership is to leverage ACM’s prescense in the community to lift-up these children beyond their circumstances to a place where they can be leaders in their own households as they mature to adulthood, and be contributors in their communities, and can become productive members of society at large.
These children do life as a family with housemom Elizabeth Otunga, attend school, and attend church to worship together. The scriptures lead this family to Jesus who is the centerpiece of all that they do.
Ten Great Commandment Workshops held in 2022 in the Nairobi, Meru, Embu, Voi, & Mombasa.
Kenya is twice the size of Nevada with a population of 55.9 million people.
85% of the population consider themselves Christian, with the next biggest religious group being Muslim at 11%.
A Place of Hope Orphanage is located in Lucky Summer Estate which is a residential neighbourhood in Nairobi's Kasarani area.
It is located approximately 11 kilometres (7 mi) northeast of Nairobi's central business district. It is a high-density suburb that hosts the low-income residents of Nairobi.
Most of this neighborhood has dirt roads, and at times, hardly passible. There are limited resources in this community which limits the amount of relief to orphan children that can be resourced locally.
Crime can be an issue in this community which is also adjacent to one of Nairobi’s largest slums.
Project Costs & Approach
The investment in this mission project is to provide care to this family of orphan children. Care can include food, clothing, assistance with school, and other associated costs to provide for a large family.
ACM provides provision of care and oversight to insure proper outcomes for the children.
Please prayerfully consider how you might support this mission project.
You may send support for this Mission Project to Global Orphan Relief, 16352 Prairie Farm Circle, Parker, CO 80134 or you may give also give electronically at Home-Based Care Initiative or give on this website at the upper righthand corner under ‘Donate’ and select Home-Based Care under the Fund designation.